Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fill it up with Air!!

The ultimate fuel-efficient car! Achieve a fuel economy of 106 miles per gallon!

New York-based Zero Pollution Motors,will deliver its first model of this air-concept car in 2010 at a price tag of less than $18,000. Mr.Shiva Vencat is the vice president of MDI and CEO of Zero Pollution Motors.

The car will work similar to a locomotive mechanism, except compressed air, not steam, will move the engine's pistons. Whether the engine uses just air or both air and fuel would depend on how fast the six-seater car is going. It would run purely on compressed air at speeds less than 35 mph. Above 35 mph, there is an external combustion system, a heater that uses a little bit of gasoline or biofuel or ethanol or vegetable oil that will heat the air. Heating the air increases its volume, and by increasing its volume, it increases the car's range. Thereby with one gallon of gasoline or its equivalent we are able to make over 100 mpg! The on-board compressor would refill the air tank while the car is running, or the owners could refill it by plugging it into a power outlet for four hours.

India's largest automaker,Tata motors have announced an agreement with MDI last year to further develop and refine the technology.